Monday, January 23, 2017

Wood Lake School Fail and Hoar Frost

I usually have Mondays off and since I was done my errands early enough, I decided to go look for Wood Lake School.  It was not too far away and it looked like it was still there from what I could find (top secret research, remember?). I would normally take some back roads but wanted to make sure I had enough time so I took the most direct route, however with the hoar frost that has been hanging around the last couple of days, it was like an entirely different drive. Also I saw some interesting things that I hadn't seen before so today it paid off to take the road often travelled. After a couple of stops, I arrived at my destination and wouldn't you school.  I did a couple of no avail. Resigned, I gave up and headed back.

Wood Lake School
(Google Streetview)
Fast forward a few hours...You may not know this but things can quickly change in the fast paced world of blogging and as I discovered, while writing this post, I have seen the 'missing' school before and did not put 2 and 2 together. It is now part of a museum in Delburne, AB and I actually saw it earlier this month. This was a DOH moment if I've ever had one, also #facepalm. I intend to go back to the museum in the summer when they are open.

Time allowed for me to take a more leisurely way home, so I did. Occasionally while out exploring back roads I'll see a sign for a community centre, I always try to follow these.  More often than not they are old schools that were sold to the community.  Today I followed a hand made sign, nothing official (the best kind) and I found myself at the Great Bend Community Centre. It was formerly a consolidated school built in 1918 and housed grades 1-9 until it closed in 1966. Part of Wood Lake School District was included in the Great Bend consolidation. Further up the road I came across the Great Bend Cemetery.  I don't typically enter cemeteries, nothing superstitious or anything, I just take a moment and then go.  I also followed a sign for Cumberland Community Centre and found another former school, it was fenced off so I couldn't get a good look.
Great Bend Community Centre

Great Bend Cemetery Est.1904
In Memory of the Pioneers - Settlers of the
Great Bend District 1905-2000

All in all it was a pretty good day, lost a school and then found it, saw some cool buildings and abandoned places (all made more interesting by the hoar frost), and even saw some deer, a couple coyotes and a llama. I also made it home with time to spare before school let out. My work here is done.  For today.

Sources: Pioneering With a Piece of Chalk and Schools of the Parkland: NWT 1886 - Alberta 1967


  1. I really need to get out. You have been beating me to some interesting spots.

  2. That lead photo.. wow. First class.

    1. Thanks Steve! I'm glad I got out yesterday, everything just looked so cool!

  3. The addition of hoar frost seems to make any scene almost magical. Beautiful photos.

  4. Love going along for the ride when you explore! :o)

    1. Thanks Chickenmom! At least someone does, I have to bribe my kid to come with me lol!

  5. Thanks for stopping by Jenn, wish I cold send you some warmth, maybe later ok??
