Tuesday, May 26, 2020

St. Peters Lutheran Church

Welcome to St. Peters Lutheran Church!

The history of this church starts in 1897 as German settlers from the Volyhnia region of what is now the Ukraine, emigrated to the 3 prairie provinces of Canada to start a new life. By July of 1897 a congregation was formed and the all German Sunday Services were conducted in the homes of the parishioners. In 1903 land became available and the church was built. During the tough times of the 30's members remained dedicated and the church was enlarged and a basement added. I would think this the same time the front of the church changed as well.  The first English Services happened in the 1940's, and electricity was added in the 50's.

As with many of pioneer settlements, farms change hands, the older generation passes on and more of the young people move to the surrounding towns and cities. An article I read from 2015 said there is still 2 services a month and the volunteers keep the inside and the grounds looking immaculate.

There is over 120 years of history here at this little country church and I am happy to have learned a bit of history today that I didn't know yesterday.

Photo by my kiddo, out of the car window, so I could remember the name, but it's also a cool sign!


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Isolation Life

Hello! It has been <insert number of days> since my last post. I actually had a number in there a few times and never finished the post. So that's how things are going here. How are you?

I foolishly thought that working from home would be awesome, no commute, can work in pajamas...  Wrong. I spent my day working on and off my computer in a dedicated office in my house. However there is still home stuff and kiddo doing schoolwork on his laptop and everything is just different. It's draining and exhausting somehow and any routines or plans seem to have fallen by the wayside.

I read a quote online that said, "You are not working from home, you are at home, during a crisis, trying to work." I feel this.  Although, now things are gradually reopening, which is hopefully going to bring back some normalcy.

Here is a roundup of some of my favorite recent single images:

The starburst effect. 

Just before the ice was all gone...

Amazing how fast the ice disappears!

I have also found some cool old buildings that I am hoping to learn more about before posting, stay tuned! It won't be as long between blogs.

Hope everyone is safe and healthy.